Retail display stands need to be durable, portable and typically free-standing points of sale. They draw attention and can be used to direct your customers on their journey through your store. Retail displays can be used to highlight promotions, link to online marketing campaigns and ultimately influence purchasing decisions in-store.

The best eco-friendly retail display stands with longevity

  • Reconfigurable to fit various floor spaces
  • Easy to adapt and change messaging to meet trends and new seasons
  • Durable to withstand high volumes of traffic

Retail display stands are used to present products, offers or promotions to customers. They not only communicate your brand and attract attention they also send consistent messages to your customers and enhance your brand.

Mannequin Kiosk

Creative Retail Display Ideas

Creating successful retail displays isn’t always easy – they work best when they are tailored for the audience and individual stores.  There is a wide range of off-the-shelf and custom-made retail displays on offer, so budgets can vary hugely.

The type of retail display you choose depends heavily on what your product is, where you need to display the physical product and if you do how much of it and how many units you need.

Commonly used display types

  • Pop Up Display Stands – that you can position and reposition. Can be made from cardboard, wood, metal or other durable materials.
  • Exhibition Counters
  • Exhibition Kiosks with a digital display
  • Accessory display stands
  • Point of purchase (POP) displays
  • Display cases closed in with glass or plastic
  • Gondola display units

5 ways to enhance any display type

  1. Keep the messaging simple and use bold colours – you only have a few minutes to grab attention so don’t distract the message with too much text.
  2. Keep the area clean, tidy and well-spaced out – no one likes clutter – make sure merchandise is easy to see and buy.
  3. Backlit Display lighting to feature products – highlight areas to create visual interest.
  4. Create a theme – link it to your online marketing campaigns to create a buzz.
  5. Change messaging regularly in high-traffic areas so regular customers are kept inspired and have a reason to return.
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