Creating effective exhibition and event signage is crucial for ensuring that attendees can navigate your event smoothly, stay informed, and remain engaged.  A vibrant display that captivates a crowd or encourages engagement is much more exciting than a plain stand not highlighting your true worth. Thankfully, in our role as exhibition stand designers, we are well-placed to pass on some hints and tips that ensure your event stand draws an audience and makes your presence known at the next event.

At Starlight Exhibitions we offer many different options for exhibition and event signage and our team of skilled designers has a great knowledge of large format print and design.  We know the powerful influence exhibition display graphics have on your audience at face-to-face events.  They play a critical role in drawing attention and communicating your company’s personality, style and message.  Three seconds is all the time it takes a visitor to understand your brand! Make those three seconds count!

Now let’s see what you can do!

The need to know tips for event signage design

We’ve compiled a list of 11 tips you should follow when planning and designing your exhibition display stands. Whether they be portable pop up stands you’ll take from place to place, or reconfigurable exhibition stands that can change their appearance from event to event, we’ve got you covered.

1.      Understand your audience

  • Demographics: Tailor your signage to the preferences and needs of your audience, considering factors like age, interests, and accessibility requirements. There would be no use incorporating words and hashtags associated with an 18-30 demographic if you’re exhibiting at a show for retirees or care homes for example!
  • Language: Use clear, concise language and consider multilingual signs if your audience is diverse. Too much text can be confusing, and too little is too vague.

2.      Clarity and readability

  • Font Choice: Use sans-serif fonts for better readability from a distance. Avoid overly decorative fonts. Remember, as we said earlier, three seconds is all it takes! The passer-by or visitor wants to know who you are, what you do and what you can do for them! A difficult to read font won’t make this possible! We’ve put together a guide about what fonts you can use on an exhibition stand, check it out for some further insight.
  • Font Size: Ensure the text is large enough to be read from a distance. Headings should be significantly larger than the body text.
  • Contrast: Use high-contrast colour schemes to make text stand out from the background.

3.      Concise messaging

Confusion can soon reign if your branding and message are too complex. Keeping things easy to understand on any event display stand or signage will certainly help send people your way.

  • Simplicity: Keep your messages short and to the point. Use bullet points or numbered lists where possible.
  • Hierarchy: Highlight the most important information (like directions or key event times) using size, colour, or bolding.

Where you have lots of information you deem vital, consider interactive media stands so that your signage doesn’t have to cram everything into one space to get key messages out. As we’ve said, use the hierarchy for important messages and then use video or audio to expand upon them.

4.      Consistent branding

Consistency is king in branding and corporate messages. Without it, your target audience could be confused and unsure of what you are trying to say or do.

  • Colours and logos: Use your brand colours consistently across all signage. This includes colours, logos, and fonts. If you are already established, your branding may enhance the trust your current customers will have in the new items you are promoting at the event. If you are new in the space, consistent branding will help you remain in the memory of those who have just discovered you.
  • Theme: Ensure the design theme matches the event’s overall aesthetic and purpose. As we mentioned with understanding your audience in the earlier section, if you were to get your design theme wrong, you could be appealing to an audience that is not there!

5.      Directional signage

If you use directional signage, you must remain aware of two key features. The placement and the visuals. Directional signs play such an important role at events but are often overlooked for key event signage relevant to brands or the event itself. Without directional signs, you could see people end up in the wrong places and miss out on vital messages!

  • Arrows and icons: Use universally recognised symbols and arrows to guide attendees effectively.
  • Placement: Position directional signs at key decision points, such as intersections and entryways. If you have an outdoor exhibition stand for example, you may want your own directional signage to direct people around the outdoor space you are using.

6.      Informational signage

An event is a hive of information and sometimes, it can be an overload for those attending. Using informational signage can be vital to stop that overload from happening and get people to know more about your brand or the event. If you need informational signage to be part of your event, consider these in your design stage.

  • Schedules and maps: Provide clear schedules and maps of the event venue. Ensure these are placed in high-traffic areas.
  • Event highlights: Highlight key events, sessions, or attractions. This way no attendees miss out on your demo, presentation or live stream.

7.      Digital signage

When designing your event signage, consider the use of digital. It not only allows you to remain at the cutting edge of event presentation, but it also helps you relay other messages the rest of your signage struggles to broadcast.

  • Dynamic content: Use digital signs to display rotating information, such as live updates, schedules, or sponsor messages. If you have a product, a video is a great screen is a great way to show it in use.
  • Interactivity: Incorporate interactive elements if possible, such as touchscreens for maps or event details. A QR code in the design could take visitors to a landing page or even an immersive experience via their phone!

8.      Accessibility

It’s important to factor in accessibility at any event. There are varying needs to be catered for and this shouldn’t just be limited to factoring in lifts, suitable doorways or noise sensitivity. It extends to your signage too.

  • Braille and tactile signs: Include Braille and tactile elements for visually impaired attendees where necessary.

9.      Durability and Material

You may have the best design idea in the world but if it isn’t suitable for the event, you could struggle to get the message seen! When designing an event stand or looking at your event stand options, you’ll need to consider the environment in more ways than one.

  • Weatherproofing: For outdoor events, use materials that can withstand weather conditions.
  • Sustainability: Consider environmentally friendly materials and practices. This way you not only help enhance your green credentials but also keep costs low too!

10.    Placement and positioning

It’s no good having a sign if nobody can see it! When you design your stand or hire an event stand designer, factor in where the stand will be placed and how it will be seen.

  • Visibility: Place signs at eye level and ensure they are not obstructed by other objects.
  • Lighting: Ensure signs are well-lit, especially in low-light conditions or during evening events.

11.     Test Your signage

  • Mock-ups: Create and review mock-ups before printing. Test readability and visibility with a sample audience if possible.
  • Feedback: Collect feedback from past events to improve future signage.

By following these tips, you can create effective and professional event signage that enhances the attendee experience and ensures your event runs smoothly. Fear not though, if it all seems too complicated or time-consuming, you can rely on our free exhibition stand design service to help you create the exact event stand you need. Why not give us a call and see how Starlight Exhibitions can make your time at an event a success?