Decluttering your event space with effective exhibition storage can create a more organised, appealing, and functional environment.

Starlight Exhibitions creates modular exhibition stands to create memorable displays that provide you with pure versatility at an event. If you need to store anything on your stand, think ahead and let us know. Our team can factor it into the design and ensure your storage and event needs are met. With a free event stand design service, you can let the creative team at Starlight help you on your way. Just don’t forget, come the event, you’ll want to make sure you keep the event space clear of clutter so you can continue promoting your brand in the best possible way.

We’ve put together ten top storage tips for when you are at an event so your exhibition space is free from clutter and optimised for success.

10 tips for maximising exhibition storage space

If your exhibition stand is likely to be a hive of activity with staff or attendees, you’ll want to ensure that every opportunity to make people feel comfortable and welcome is maximised. Leaving coats, bags, POS and other items lying across the stands or stacked up next to them doesn’t give the ideal first impression at an event. You want to appear slick, polished and ready to inform, entertain and present. Not ready to leave, uncertain or unprepared. Check out our ten tips for maximising exhibition storage.

1. Plan ahead

  • Assess your needs: Decide what items you need to store during the event, such as promotional materials, equipment, and personal belongings. Some venues may allow you to use lockers for belongings and you may be able to keep promotional items in your vehicle but sometimes, this may not be possible, and integrating storage into your exhibition stand could be the only option. Take this into consideration when briefing your exhibition stand designer.
  • Space layout: Plan your space layout to include designated storage areas. This helps prevent clutter from accumulating in high-traffic areas. Could shelves behind an exhibition counter help perhaps? At the same time, think about safety. Events will often require you to complete an exhibition risk assessment and showing you have minimised the risk of slips, trips and falls thanks to your storage may be a great way to enhance your compliance.
  1. 2. Use multi-functional furniture
  • Storage-integrated furniture: Use tables, benches, and counters with built-in storage compartments to keep items out of sight.  We have several counter options with internal storage that are a great choice for keeping items that need to be kept safe or grabbed quickly during an event,
  • Shelving units: Portable shelving units can provide added storage without taking up too much floor space.

3. Utilise vertical space

  • Wall-mounted storage: Use hooks, shelves, and pegboards to store items vertically. If you can’t build out, build up! It will help you increase storage options and ensure your exhibition stand is displayed prominently.
  • Stackable containers: Opt for stackable bins and boxes to maximise vertical storage space. It’s possible to have branded storage boxers designed that look like part of your exhibition display. Your team can then simply use them for personal items or event items without the look of your stand or display being affected.

4. Portable storage solutions

  • Rolling carts: These can be easily moved around and used to store and transport items as needed.
  • Foldable containers: Collapsible storage bins can be used when necessary and stored away when not in use.

5. Label everything

  • Clear labelling: If you do decide to use storage containers, use labels to mark the contents of each one. This helps in quickly finding items and maintaining organisation.
  • Colour-coding: Implement a colour-coding system to easily identify different types of items. Then, should you have to access something fast, you’ll know exactly where to look rather than appearing confused to those you are networking with.

6. Secure storage

  • Lockable storage: For valuable items, use lockable storage cabinets or containers to ensure security.
  • Secure areas: Designate secure areas or rooms for storing sensitive or high-value equipment. Whilst many items can be stored within your exhibition stand, it may not be possible with some. If the event is not your own exhibition, enquire as to where the safe storage areas are. If it’s your event, consider locker rental or asking the venue if a specific room can be used for secure storage.

7. Efficient use of space

  • Storage zones: Create specific zones for different types of items, such as a tech zone for electronic equipment and a promotional materials zone.
  • Clear pathways: Ensure storage areas do not obstruct walkways or emergency exits.

8. Regular maintenance

  • Frequent checks: Regularly check storage areas to ensure they remain organized and clutter-free. You could consider hiring someone to check items in and out to minimise the risk of disorganisation if you are using a specific area for the entire exhibition to keep their belongings. If you are just monitoring your own exhibition stand at an event, remember to keep on top of keeping your storage organised.
  • Post-event declutter: After the event, promptly sort through items, dispose of unnecessary materials, and reorganize storage for future use. This way you won’t be handing out old literature at forthcoming events, or finding lost property that is months old!

9. Digital storage

  • Digital materials: Use digital formats for brochures, flyers, and presentations to reduce the amount of physical storage needed. The simple addition of a QR code to a screen can take attendees to a landing page giving them much more information than a flyer or brochure. Consider digital storage for data capture at events too, this way it is much easier for you to comply with the GDPR rules you must follow at a trade show.

10. Rental solutions

  • Temporary storage: Rent storage solutions or additional storage space if your event requires more storage than usual.
  • Modular units: Use modular storage units that can be easily assembled and disassembled as needed.

By implementing these strategies, you can create a decluttered and efficient event space that enhances the overall experience for attendees and staff.


Our team at Starlight Exhibitions can facilitate the creation of a reconfigurable exhibition stand that matches your exact needs and specifications. Our free design service allows us to include all the storage you need as well as any branding specific to the event. Why not contact our team today and see how we can enhance your exhibition presence?