Remember your exhibition stand staff are your company ambassadors.  If you train and incentivise them it’s more likely they will deliver. It’s important after you’ve produced a great looking exhibition stand that you train your team to effectively work the stand.

Start by selecting your team members – remember to look outside your Sales Team, you may have some other enthusiastic or knowledgeable members of staff that could really help your success.

Exhibitin Stand Staff Training

Team Member Attributes

Each member of your team should have the following attributes:

  • enthusiasm
  • positive attitude
  • professionalism
  • eagerness
  • energy
  • determination
  • resilience

Once you have chosen your team, make sure you train them effectively. They need to be aware of the Company’s objectives and what you hope to achieve – set targets and incentivise them on their results to make the experience fun.

Engagement with visitors

The communication with visitor’s starts away from the stand…you only have 3 second to grab their attention. Hopefully your exhibition stand design will help you to grab their attention but your stand staff are crucial to your success – you may want to suggest some conversation starters to help your staff draw visitors to the stand.

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It’s vital that once they have engaged with a visitor, they understand how to secure the conversation and come away with a positive next step. They need to:

  • capture all the necessary details
  • record information correctly and legibly
  • secure agreement to a follow up action

Securing means the action is confirmed, understood and agreed by both parties and that there is a commitment to a time frame for:

  • visit (you to them)
  • visit (them to you)
  • video conference
  • telephone contact
  • email contact
  • send literature/quote/sample/testimonials etc.

It’s essential that the commitment is met so be sure to under promise and over-deliver.

Pre-show briefing

We all know exhibitions are a big part of any marketing budget and after spending time and money promoting your participation at the exhibition, you need to make sure your staff deliver on the day.

On the morning of the show make sure you set aside time to do a pre-show briefing and remind them of your strategy, reasons and objectives for exhibiting at the show.

Also make sure they are clear on:

  • demonstrations/presentations to be given on the stand
  • explain the design of the stand including the graphic messages
  • explanation how you want data and information to be captured
  • explanation of any competitions, giveaways or incentives
  • make the stand dress code very clear before they arrive
  • a list of all the stand staff including a staff rota and scheduled breaks – it’s really important to have regular breaks!
  • subsistence, accommodation and transport arrangements

Once you have provided them with all this information – remind them or ask them for their ideas on conversation starters to ensure they are ready and able to approach and then engage with visitors.